
  • Laslo Simon Hungarian National Museum (Hungarian)
  • Gabor Virágos
  • Vera Majerik Hungarian National Museum (Hungarian)



Hungarian National Museum, National Institute of Archaeology, the Carpathian Basin, Coronation mantle, Seuso treasure


The Hungarian National Museum is Europe's third oldest national collection, wich has been collecting cultural artefacts relating to the people of Hungary and the Carpathian Basin for 220 years. In addition to the constant maintenance and expansion that an unparalleled collection like this necessitates, the tasks of the museum also include the scientific analysis and presentation of invaluable finds, as well as the presentation of research results.

In 2022, a major event Occurred in the life and activities of the Hungarian National Museum. The National Institute of Archaeology (NIA) was founded within the museum, which took over the entire archaeological portfolio of the museum, including several fields such as archaeo-logical museology and cultural heritage protection, as well as the departments responsible for various collections, exhibitions, excavations on major con- struction sites and topography. The Hungarian National Museum also functions as the coordinator of several archaeological institutions.

Author Biographies

Laslo Simon, Hungarian National Museum (Hungarian)

Deputy director of the Hungarian National Museum

Gabor Virágos

Deputy director general of archaeology of the Hungarian National Museum.

Vera Majerik, Hungarian National Museum (Hungarian)

archaeologist of the Hungarian National Museum

