REPRESENTATION OF ASIA IN EUROPEAN HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL KNOWLEDGE (based on the collection of the Nevzorov Family Museum of Fine Arts)




graphic artwork, xylography, illustration, Central Asia, art, culture, representation, issuer, costume, image


Abstract. Graphic works, used for illustration of scientific publications of the 19th century in the fields of geography, history and ethnography nowadays provide an opportunity to understand the way the little-known territories of Central Asia were searched and represented in the European intellectual space. It is topical nowadays, especially against the background of cultural globalization to understand the origins of this vision as well as ethnical and cultural stereotypes which were formed in the scientific knowledge of Europe.

The goals and objectives of this article, however, do not add to a philosophical analysis of the formation of ideas about Central Asia. They are more practical in nature, and examine some artworks from the collection of the Regional Museum of Fine Arts named after the Nevzorov family. Another goal of this article is to fill in some gaps in the study of the biographies of their authors. The time frame of this study goes beyond the usual century therefore a conventional cultural and historical period known as “Long 19th Century” was chosen to fully understand the overall picture. Some information provided in this publication will be used for further attribution of the works mentioned in the article. The materials of the article may be of interest to art historians, cultural experts, teachers and museum staff.

Author Biography

Irina Rekida, Regional Museum of Fine Arts named after the Nevzorov family

Researcher in the Department of the Exhibition and Scientific Work of the Regional Museum of Fine Arts named after Nevzorov Familly

